Selasa, 15 April 2008

Terapi Magnet

Sejarah pernah merekodkan ahli falsafah Yunani Aristotle pernah memperkatakan mengenai faedah terapeutik yang terdapat pada magnet semulajadi untuk mengurangkan kesakitan dan merawat pelbagai kesakitan.

Ahli fizik Parsi juga pernah menggunakan magnet untuk melegakan “gout” dan kekejangan otot.

Teori di sebalik terapi magnet yang dikatakan adalah ruang magnetik atau bahan yang boleh menghasilkan aliran elektromagnet boleh menembusi tubuh manusia dan memberi kesan kepada fungsi sel-sel serta memperbaikikan kelancaran sistem saraf dan organ tertentu.

Pun begitu, bagaimana kuasa magnetik bertindak terhadap semua ini tidak dapat dijelaskan secara terang dan masih misteri.

Namun, ada beberapa hipotesis dibuat mengatakan arus elektrikal yang dijana magnet “mengganggu” tranmisi isyarat sakit ke sistem saraf tunjang. Tanggapan lain pula mengatakan magnet meningkatkan pengaliran darah ke sesuatu bahagian tubuh lalu menggalakkan peredaran oksigen dan nutrien seterus mengurangkan kesakitan dan bengkak.

Terapi magnetik biasanya digunakan untuk sakit bahagian sendi dan otot selain digunakan untuk mengurangkan sakit selepas pembedahan. Ada yang mengatakan ia dapat mengurangkan tekanan, insomnia, dan magrain disamping melawan jangkitan dan memperbaiki ketidakseimbangan sistem saraf.


Biomagnetik boleh juga digambarkan sebagai Kutub Utara Kutub Selatan atau juga yin – yang bagi masyarakat Cina. Persamaan dari segi konsep iaitu tarikan ion negatif dan positif. Keseimbangan tarikan-tarikan tersebut menunjukkan kadar pH adalah neutral manakala perubahan cas-cas tersebut membolehkan tahap keasidan dan kealkalian ditentukan.

Medan magnet menarik kutub-kutub yang berlainan. Apabila kita meletakkan medan positif magnet dengan medan negatif magnet maka ia akan menarik di antara satu sama lain.

Secara amnya, medan magnet berkuasa positif iaitu (P) akan menarik medan negatif bumi iaitu kutub utara dan medan magnet berkuasa negatif (N) akan menarik medan positif bumi iaitu kutub selatan.

Dalam kenyataan ini, penggunaan negatif adalah untuk kutub utara bumi dan positif adalah untuk kutub selatan bumi. Sebagai maklumat, sepatutnya yang digunakan dalam tubuh badan kita adalah medan magnet negatif. Apabila magnet (N) ini menyentuh kulit manusia ia dipercayai mengembangkan pembuluh darah, dengan ini darah dan oksigen akan bertambah di kawasan aplikasi magnet. Medan positif magnet pula apabila disentuh ke kulit manusia ianya akan menjadi merbahaya dalam jangka masa panjang. Hanya doktor-doktor pakar yang boleh menggunakan magnet positif untuk rawatan penyakit tertentu

Jenis-jenis biomagnets:

Kebanyakan biomagnets dibuat dari ferrites, iaitu gabungan kobalt, nikel, barium dan metal lain. Magnets yang fleksibel adalah gabungan plastik , getah atau bahan-bahan yang mudah dilenturkan. Biomagnets yang paling kuat adalah magnet yang dibuat dari Neodymium (Magnet nadir bumi).

Magnet-magnet Neodymium ini adalah amat bertenaga dan berupaya untuk bertindak pada kuasa magnetik dalam badan kita, tetapi secara mekanikalnya ia adalah rapuh dan akan hilang kuasa magnet jika didedahkan pada suhu di atas 176 darjah Fahrenheit atau 80 darjah Celsius.

Biomagnet diukur dari segi gauss iaitu garis daya per kawasan unit kutub.

Setiap elektron memang bergerak secara berputar sama seperti bumi berputar pada paksinya. Kebiasaannya elektron akan berputar secara rawak, tetapi apabila elektron-elektron ini dimagnetkan, kesemua pergerakan elektron akan bergerak secara melawan arah jam (ia akan menghasilkan medan negative magnet) atau mengikut arah jam (ia akan menghasilkan medan positif magnet).

Medan magnet bumi adalah penting kepada semua kehidupan di muka bumi. Kekurangan kuasa magnet bumi (4000 tahun dahulu medan magnet bumi adalah 4.0 gauss, pada hari ini ianya adalah 0.4 gauss) telah mengaitkan kepada pelbagai masalah di zaman millennia ini.

Teras kepada bumi iaitu kerak bumi adalah satu magnet yang amat besar dan kuasanya apabila sampai ke permukaan bumi adalah 0.4 gauss. Kuasa yang terhasil ini akan memasuki ke dalam sistem badan manusia, tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, dalam erti kata lain segala-galanya yang berada di dalam muka bumi ini. Secara logiknya, kuasa medan magnet bumi adalah penting di dalam kewujudan segala sumber kehidupan bumi.

Selasa, 08 April 2008

Diet and Exercise

These are key ingredients, perhaps THE key basic ingredients to make lasting changes in your quality of life and your health. Both of these need to be fine tuned for your body.

Start with whole foods---fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Reduce or avoid entirely caffeine, fast foods, refined or processed foods. Listen to your body and watch what you feel like and your energy level as you make these changes. After eating notice how you feel. Is your energy level up or down? Do you feel light, focused, energized? Frequent small meals—5-6 times a day, work better than 1-3 large meals, even an apple or piece of toast. Also drinking lots of water: 8 or more glasses of filtered or purified water a day is vital for your brain as well as your body.

You can use these books as resource aids to fine tune your diet for yourself and your condition:

Eat Right for Your Blood Type, Dr. Peter D'Adamo
Perfect Health, Deepak Chopra
Healthy Healing, Linda Rector-Page
Creating Heaven Through Your Plate, Shelley Summers


Exercise for 2-3 times a week minimum for 20-30 minutes. Exercise is tailored to your body and your age and any conditions. It needs to be fun and have variety. You can over train and burn out physically as well as mentally if you do the same thing over and over OR if you do it day in and day out. Your body needs movement: Walking, hiking, swimming, weights, bicycling, dance, aerobics. Yet you should feel energized not exhausted or tired afterwards. If you are tired, then reduce your time or change what you are doing.

Our bodies need flexibility, strength, and endurance. Our bodies use movement and exercise to strengthen muscles, to increase flexibility, to allow freer blood and lymphatic circulation. This brings more oxygen to your brain and whole body and carries away toxins and wastes. Your level of energy and your endurance levels are also raised. Exercise releases your stresses and tensions trapped in your body. You also become sick less. Choosing the right types of exercise for you is as important as choosing the right foods. And doing it regularly is not a burden but becomes a joy and time out just for you.

Re-Energizers/Computer Strain

Anyone can do these techniques. They work well with children and the elderly as well as adults. Do this series at the beginning of a day, to create a break, after lunch, when you start a new task, or when your performance and concentration lag. If you are using a computer doing this every 20 minutes will increase your efficiency. (Drinking water and fuel-frequent small meals are also required for most optimum performance and energy level.)

These are the Techniques:

Brain Button: Place one hand over the navel. This brings your attention to your center of gravity and your breath. Breathe into this hand. With your other hand gently press the indentations directly under your collar bone to the left and right of your breastbone. These "buttons" lie just above where the carotid arteries branch off to the brain and can stimulate blood flow to your brain.Stop and hold then press again. This wakes up your brain for new incoming information. It also gets your eyes moving again and out of ‘ocular lock’ which happens when you get on overload or stare at computer screens for too long a time.

Hook-Ups: These reduce stress and integrate your body, mind and emotions enabling you to learn, respond, and act more effectively. Especially when emotions intrude if you do this for 2 minutes you will be able to see your own and other’s points of view more clearly, leave them behind and move on with your day. First cross one ankle over the other. Choose which feels most comfortable to you—left over right or right or left. Then place the back of your hands together with your arms outstretched and thumbs pointing down. Now just as you crossed your ankles, cross one hand over the other with palms meeting. Interlock your fingers. Lastly roll your locked hands down towards your lap or feet and around towards your chest letting them rest on your chest. Your elbows will be hanging down to your sides. While resting in this position rest your tongue comfortably on the roof of your mouth on the ridge in back of your teeth. You may want to reverse ankle or wrist positions.

Cross Crawl: This is a cross lateral walking in place. You stand. VERY SLOWLY you touch the right elbow to the left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee. This activates both brain hemispheres simultaneously increasing their communication, speed and integration for high level reasoning. Repeat this several times.There are variations you can do with this standing just as long as you cross the midline of your body.

The Energizer: This helps especially for long hours sitting at a desk or in front of a computer. It increase your oxygen intake, relaxes your neck and shoulder muscles, wakes up your nervous system and brain. Place your palms flat on the desk in front of you then lower your chin to your chest. Let your head go forward as far as you can without pain, just into a comfortable stretch. Allow your shoulders to droop. As you take a deep breath through your nose, draw a semi-circle using the tip of your nose as the pen to move your head forward, up and back arching over your shoulders. Also allow your back to arch like a bow and allow your ribs to open and expand. Then as you exhale curve the back forward like a cat arching its back and once again rest the chin on or near the chest. Repeat this 3-5 times.

Natural Skin Care Benefits

Natural Skin Care Benefits

When it comes to treating anything in the body, doing it naturally is always the best way. The less chemicals one puts into their body the better off the body is. Skin problems, just like every other problem in the body, may at times require chemical treatments. When chemicals are not the only form of treatment however, knowing what natural treatments are available is a good idea.

The Healing Benefits Of Tamanu Oil

Tamanu Oil is made from the nut kernels of the Tamanu Tree. While the tree itself does grow inland, it prefers salty, sandy soil, with the result that it tends to grow profusely near the sea. The native Ni Vanuatu people claim that the best Tamanu Oil comes from the trees that grow near coastal areas, rather than from those that grow inland.

The ability of Tamanu Oil to heal the skin surpasses that of most, if not all, modern day skin care products. Scientific studies show that Tamanu Oil is a significant healing agent because of its ability to produce new skin tissue and because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, antibiotic and antioxidant properties.

Organic Skin Care Benefits

? gently support the skin?s natural functions and regenerative healing forces. ? protect the integrity of the skin?s natural eco-system. ? soothe, moisturize, and lubricate skin that is dry, sensitive and irritable. ? purify and balance oily skin conditions. ? protect from premature aging skin.

The Benefits of Using Evening Primrose Oil for Your Skin :

-Rejuvenate Your Skin -Produce Anti Aging -Drastically Decrease Fine Lines and Wrinkles -Help Smooth Out Rough Skin -Help Hydrate Terribly Dry Skin

Daily skin care routine

Whatever your skin type, the brands you find at your local drugstore are typically your best bet. Larger skin care companies have the biggest budgets for research and development, and can sell highly effective products at affordable prices. There are a couple of products I recommend splurging on if you can - keep reading to find out which ones.


Cleansing is the first essential step in your daily skin care routine. Cleansing the face 2-3 times a day; is adequate for normal skin. If your skin is oily a more frequent cleansing i.e. 4-5 times a day is necessary. If your skin is dry it is best to avoid frequent washing and you may have to use a suitable oil-based cosmetic cleanser instead of soap, which has a dry effect.


Regular use of a suitable moisturizer benefits your skin. The moisturizer not only replaces the water lost from the skin but also prevents its loss to the surroundings. It protects the skin against the drying influences of the environment such as the effects of the sun, cold and heat. Tinted moisturizers are very helpful under foundation. It always keep the make up moist.

Skin care by natural products really suits any kind of skin and it is recommended to habituate using natural skin care products on everyday basis.

Daily skin care Tips: 1. Each day when you take your bath or shower, try to use luke warm water. Hot water dries out the skin. 2. Avoid using harsh soaps which dry the skin. Deodorant soaps are often very harsh and drying.